beats per minute

美 [biːts pər ˈmɪnɪt]英 [biːts pə(r) ˈmɪnɪt]
  • 网络每分钟心跳次数;每分钟节拍数;每分钟拍数
beats per minutebeats per minute


the pace of music measured by the number of beats occurring in 60 seconds
Synonym: bpm metronome marking M.M.


  1. His heart rate was 30 beats per minute slower


  2. He has a pulse rate of one hundred ( beats per minute ) .


  3. Strenuous activity level would be between 126 - 153 beats per minute .


  4. If you can bring your pulse down to 51 beats per minute ,


  5. Within 20 days , the new heart began beating at 40 to 50 beats per minute .


  6. Anything that gets your heart rate somewhere between 110 and 140 beats per minute is enough .


  7. Make a note of the rate of the pulse , which is the number of beats per minute .


  8. The heart rate dropped by 4 beats per minute in timolol group ( P < 0.05 ) .


  9. When I was experiencing my best sleep , my heart rate dropped to about 50 beats per minute .


  10. Maximum momentary speed variation Tachycardia : Heart rate over 100 ( as high as 240 ) Beats per minute .


  11. Did you know that during a rock show the drummer 's heart rate can get as high as 179 beats per minute ?


  12. On the other hand , when I was most active during the day my heart rate would peak at 130 beats per minute .


  13. The average adult pulse rate is 70-80 Beats per minute ; the rate decreases with age and is generally faster in women .


  14. The article points out that it is no good exceeding 180 ~ 195 beats per minute of maximum heart rate for physical exercise .


  15. The mean pulse ( at rest ) of the female students decreased from 78.7 to 73.1 beats per minute , and obvious bradycardia occurred .


  16. Soon after their loss the bereaved had an average heart rate of75 beats per minute , five beats more than the controls .


  17. They tell me an elephant has a heart rate of just 28 beats per minute , so I suppose Im as healthy as an elephant .


  18. They all had paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia ( VT ) as first clinical manifestation , with ventricular tachycardia rate from 160 to 200 beats per minute .


  19. Finally , the workout peaks with music at about 135 beats per minute , including ' Beautiful World ' by Tiesto & Mark Knight featuring Dino .


  20. The minimal heart rate less than 30 beats per minute was found in 21 cases ( 1.86 % ), some of which had long R-R period ( 3.02 ~ 6.86 ) .


  21. The heart rate subsides to60 beats per minute , respiratory arrest sets in and the patient remains completely conscious throughout the ordeal , which lasts two to five minutes .


  22. Example : If you are 40 years old , then your maximum heart rate = 208 - ( 0.7 X 40 ) = 180 . Moderate activity level would be between 99 - 126 beats per minute .


  23. AIM : To explore the effect of inhaling liquid oxygen on physical work efficiency ( PWC170 ) of young immigrants at high altitude with the heart rate of 170 beats per minute after exercise .


  24. This is due to the heart getting more efficient at pumping blood around the body , so at rest more blood can be pumped around with each beat , therefore less beats per minute are needed .


  25. A strong stimulation of depressor nerve caused an average decrease in blood pressure of 36 mmHg ( P < 0.001 ), and the heart rate was also reduced on an average of 31 beats per minute .


  26. Ms. Wiesenberg starts the class with songs that have 115 to 117 beats per minute -- such as ' The Longest Road ' by Morgan Page -- then increases that to about 125 beats .


  27. The mean age was 31 ± 19 years . All patients had symptomatic episodes of tachycardia with histories of a mean of 15 ± 14 years . The mean heart rate was 201 ± 17 beats per minute during tachycardia .


  28. Objectives This study sought to determine whether electrical and machine remodeling of ventricle has effected on advanced heart failure by chronic rapid right ventricular pacing at 230 ± 10 beats per minute for 3 weeks in a canine pacing - induced congestive heart failure model .


  29. Super-fit Daniel Green , 81 , could not believe it when medics said his heart rate had dropped to just 26 beats per minute - lower than Sir Bradley Wiggins and Mo Farah at rest , 35bpm and 33bpm respectively .


  30. Costas Karageorghis , deputy head of research at the School of Sport and Education at London 's Brunel University , says the ' sweet spot ' for workout music is between 125 and 140 beats per minute when people aren 't trying to time their movements to the music .
